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Search our database of Wharton MBA students or alumni to find talented candidates for your openings. Our free resume books are accessed on CareerPath in an online, searchable format. To assist you in your search, resumes are indexed by industry experience, industry preference, function experience, function preference, and geographic preference, among others.


Release Date
Classes of ’25 & ’26 Online Resume Books MBA full-time and summer internship job seekers
  • Full Time: 8/26
  • Internship: 10/14
MBA Alumni Online Resume Book MBA alumni currently seeking employment  Ongoing

Learn more about Wharton’s Board of Director Resume Book and how to request a complimentary search.

Data Usage Restrictions

The Wharton Resume Book is an annual copyrighted publication and online data-source created for the sole use of registered users authorized by The Wharton School. It is a violation of our privacy policy to attach any version of the Wharton Resume Book, or its individual parts, to any internet source or place it on any server that is not owned or hosted by The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, or its subsidiaries.

All student data remains the property of The Wharton School. Authorized users may access/print/export the student data as needed for the sole purpose of employment recruiting. Any non-recruitment use of this data (solicitation, direct marketing, unauthorized sharing of resumes, etc.) is considered violation of policy and will lead to loss of access and possible legal action.