Hiring Full-Time

Full-time recruiting at Wharton takes place throughout the academic year. MBA Career Management will help you develop a recruiting strategy for full-time hiring to match your needs and your timeline.

Overview of Recruiting Activities Throughout the Year


If your organization’s recruiting schedule enables you to predict your hiring needs in advance, you may be involved in early fall recruiting events, including:

  • Coffee Chats: Starting Wednesday, September 4, 2024
  • On-Campus Interviews: Begin on Wednesday, September 4, 2024 and continue throughout the academic year.
  • Networking Expo: The Second Year Networking Expo will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024. The expo is the kickoff recruiting event to target Second-Year students for full-time positions. Learn more and register here.
  • Employer Information Sessions:
    • If you are looking to engage both Second-Year and First-Year students together with an EIS, those will begin on Monday, October 14, 2024

Companies with later-timed hiring schedules can participate in recruiting events any time beginning in the fall until the end of spring. Recruiting events that occur throughout the academic year include:

  • Employer Information Sessions
  • On-campus interviews
  • Career treks
  • Other events organized by student clubs