Consumer Products and Packaged Goods

Many Wharton MBA graduates pursue successful careers in Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) each year, working in brand management, corporate finance, supply chain operations, business development, and corporate strategy. MBA summer interns regularly fill positions at Anheuser-Busch InBev, Colgate-Palmolive, General Mills, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, and Kraft Heinz among other industry leaders.

Meet the Marketing Club

The Marketing Club is a driven group of students who strive to learn and educate about careers in marketing. Companies are invited to help in this education process and can network with club members through Lunch and Learns, alumni panel discussions and other club-sponsored events. The Club also sends out a weekly newsletter to their members, which companies can utilize to advertise campus events and job opportunities.

Participate In the Marketing Conference

Organized and run by the Marketing Club, this annual conference features high-profile industry thought leaders and provides great networking and branding opportunities for your firm.

Host Career Treks

Each year our students organize corporate visits to locations in the West Coast, Midwest, and New York City. Treks are a great opportunity to share your story and network.

Wharton MBA Career Management Key Contacts

Relationship Manager
Artemis (Tami) Tsingiropoulos

Career Advisor
Sugirtha Stathis

Wharton Marketing Club
Presidents 2024-25

Daniel Riband

Elisabeth Roberts

Megan Cheng